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There are eight professional licenses expiring in Hamilton County in week ending May 20
There are eight professional licenses expiring in Hamilton County in the week ending May 20 in Ohio, according to the eLicense Ohio Professional Licensure System.
Increasing number of Hamilton County professional licenses issued in April
There were 693 professional licenses issued in Hamilton County in April 2023 in Ohio, according to the eLicense Ohio Professional Licensure System.
There are six professional licenses that will lapse in Hamilton County in week ending May 13
There are six professional licenses expiring in Hamilton County in the week ending May 13 in Ohio, according to the eLicense Ohio Professional Licensure System.
How many professional licenses will expire in Hamilton County in May?
There are 263 professional licenses expiring in Hamilton County during May in Ohio, according to the eLicense Ohio Professional Licensure System.
2019 Migration: How many people moved to Hamilton County from the same state?
Hamilton County saw 8,265 people migrate from within the state during 2019, an increase over the previous year, according to the Internal Revenue Service.
2019 Migration: How many people moved to Hamilton County?
Hamilton County saw 17,585 new residents during 2019, an increase over the previous year, according to the Internal Revenue Service.
2019 Migration: How many people moved to Hamilton County from across the country?
Hamilton County saw 9,288 people migrate from across the U.S. during 2019, an increase over the previous year, according to the Internal Revenue Service.
How many professional licenses were issued in Hamilton County in March?
There were 514 professional licenses issued in Hamilton County during March, according to the eLicense Ohio Professional Licensure System.
How many professional licenses will expire in Hamilton County in week ending April 1?
There are nine professional licenses expiring in Hamilton County in the week ending April 1 in Ohio, according to the eLicense Ohio Professional Licensure System.
Hamilton County has 127 professional licenses expiring in week ending March 18
There are 127 professional licenses expiring in Hamilton County in the week ending March 18 in Ohio, according to the eLicense Ohio Professional Licensure System.
195 professional licenses expiring in Hamilton County in week ending March 11
There are 195 professional licenses expiring in Hamilton County in the week ending March 11 in Ohio, according to the eLicense Ohio Professional Licensure System.
Hamilton County has nine professional licenses expiring in March
There are nine professional licenses expiring in Hamilton County during March in Ohio, according to the eLicense Ohio Professional Licensure System.
There are 296 professional licenses expiring in Hamilton County in week ending March 4
There are 296 professional licenses expiring in Hamilton County in the week ending March 4 in Ohio, according to the eLicense Ohio Professional Licensure System.
10 professional licenses expiring in Hamilton County during January
There are 10 professional licenses expiring in Hamilton County during January in Ohio, according to the eLicense Ohio Professional Licensure System.
There are 23,276 professional licenses expiring in Hamilton County in 2023
There are 23,276 professional licenses expiring in Hamilton County during 2023 in Ohio, according to the eLicense Ohio Professional Licensure System.
How many professional licenses are set to expire in Hamilton County in 2023?
There are 24,308 professional licenses expiring in Hamilton County in 2023 in Ohio, according to the eLicense Ohio Professional Licensure System.
2696 professional licenses expiring in Hamilton County during Q1
There are 2,696 professional licenses expiring in Hamilton County during the first quarter of 2023 in Ohio, according to the eLicense Ohio Professional Licensure System.
There are 791 professional licenses expiring in Hamilton County in December 2022
There are 791 professional licenses expiring in Hamilton County during December 2022 in Ohio, according to the eLicense Ohio Professional Licensure System.
How many people in Hamilton County received housing vouchers in 2021?
There were 25,660 people who used housing choice vouchers in Hamilton County in 2021, according to the U.S. Census.
How many people in Hamilton County live in public housing in 2021?
There were 8,828 people living in taxpayer-funded public housing located throughout Hamilton County in 2021, according to the U.S. Census.